As we know, nowadays people are more engrossed in movies and series which are available on Prime, Netflix, and Hotstar. So now people are using smart more than a normal today. From children to teens to adults everyone is interested in watching new movies which are not on normal TV so we can say that Television is worth more than a normal.  We cannot say that normal is bad because aged people usually watch serials, and cricket matches but if we talk about which one is more worth according to this generation then a smart TV is must be in  every home

What Is The Difference Between A Normal TV And A Smart TV?

  1. it can stream video on your demand, play songs, and do a lot more activities. This may include accessing your favorite apps, browsing social media, or getting athletics updates. In most cases, a regular TV doesn’t have any processing power, which means it can’t connect to the internet.

  2. With that we can see series on Netflix, Prime, and Hotstar but on a normal tv, we can’t watch these things except the shows which are inculcated in them

How can we convert a normal tv into smart tv?

There are many ways in which you can make your normal tv a smart one.

  1. Using a fire stick we can convert our normal tv into a smart one as it is one of the most recommended ways people use it.

  2. With the help of your setup boxes you can convert it to a smart one by adding downloadable applications, internet access, and the ability to cast shows wirelessly from your computer or mobile appliance.

  3. If you’re an Apple user, then you can connect your apple tv box using an HDMI cable to enjoy movies for free on your smart tv

Do we need to pay for shows on smart tv?

Yes, to watch Netflix, Prime or Hotstar you have to pay for it to get access to movies. Nowadays Netflix is the most expensive area for watching movies or series as mostly all the famous and adventurous series are available on that platform. Netflix has also applied some terms of conditions that prevent you from sharing your password but in prime and Hotstar you can share your password with any of your friends or relatives to enjoy the streaming of movies.

Are converting tv into smart effective?

It completely depends on the person’s choice whether he or she wants to convert his TV into a smart one or not because nowadays everything has some benefits and drawbacks so before doing anything we have to look and analyze the things in order not to get into any kind of negativity. 

What are the disadvantages of normal tv? 

  1. It doesn’t allow you to watch varieties of movies, shows, or songs

  2. You have to watch what is coming in it, you can’t change it according to your mood

  3. Sometimes the cable system doesn’t work so you may get a delay in watching any of your favorite show

  4. Shows can be full of violence and can add negativity to one’s mind

What are the disadvantages of smart tv?

  1. One can engross themselves in watching things that are not eligible for their age.

  2. One may get glasses if he or she watches tv continuously for hours.

  3. They is expensive so not everyone can easily afford it.

  4. Since TV is bound to several devices and performs various roles at the same time, it can freeze or explode just like your computer sometimes.


it is an improvement in the field of TV and growing technology. it adds not only to your leisure experience but also to your gratification as you can manage it with the help of gadgets like Alexa or Google. Its multiple objectives have shaped the watching opinions and has given a  boost in technology ology field.  But, with benefits there are some drawbacks such as network issues, expenses, etc. So, if you are thinking of getting a smart TV for your home, analyze all the benefits and drawbacks of the Smart TV.