As a potential candidate for employment, it is good to take note of and understand the requirements to work at Target. It gives you chances to get employed as a staff with the retail company. 

Do All Applicants Get Tested? 

Not every applicant gets tested. Target test only potential employees for specific roles. 

From research, applicants applying to be part of the management team would require a drug test before being hired. 

It does not mean Target cannot decide to conduct a random drug test on staff occupying other roles. Certain circumstances can prompt them to conduct drug tests on any employee. 

Target usual uses a third-party staffing agency to conduct a drug tests on its employees.

What Conditions Can Lead To Random Drug Test At Target?

With the excessive use of drugs in society today, target understands the need to implement its policy. 

The company does not compromise the safety of staff or customers.

They do this by conducting a random drug test for staff members under various circumstances.

Reasons for Random Drug Test at Target

If you want to be honest, you know the use of drugs can impact your ability to perform a task, why there are manly rules and laws against it, the company handbook states reasons that can lead to a drug test. 

Here are  reasons for a drug test at Target:

Objective Evidence of Drug Presence in The Workplace

If there is evidence of prohibited drug substances within the work premises, the management would decide to conduct drug tests on its employees.

To Ensure Safety

Safety is a priority even outside the workplace. Target may choose to conduct drug tests for employees occupying safety roles. The Operators of fork-lift and machines are subject to testing as drugs can impair their ability to work.  

If There Is an Accident 

Accidents may occur and can lead to loss of life or property. When an accident occurs in the workplace, and the target team has a reason to believe drugs could have played a role, it reserves the right to conduct tests on employees. 

If the Target Team Believes an Employee is Under the influence of Drugs or Alcohol

If an employee acts out of character in the workplace or displays an act of misconduct, the action may lead the management to demand the employee take a drug test. 

Participation in A Drug or Rehabilitation Program

From the Target company handbook, an employee with a track record of drug or substance abuse is subject to being tested for drugs and alcohol. 

The five reasons above are from the Target employee handbook handed out to staff members after making it through the hiring process.

Staff members understand the drug-fee policy at Target. They are to present themselves for testing if the management asks them to do so.  

What Samples Does Target Collect to Conduct Drug Tests?

Generally, most drug tests would require a urine sample, this is easy to collect, and this is the method Target has adopted and uses to implement its drug testing policy. 

Urine drug tests are cheap to conduct, and traces of drugs are detected 72 hours after use. 

What Happens If You Are Positive After A Drug Test?

It is no longer news that Target has a policy against drug use within the workplace. You also know they require a drug test before hiring for some roles. 

But what if your test result comes out positive? 

Well, the management at target gets to decide the line of action to take. Ideally, this may lead to termination of the contract or other disciplinary actions.

Depending on the circumstances, the panel reserves the right to terminate the worker’s contract if safety is compromised.

However, if a random drug test shows an employee to be positive, they may be placed on probation and asked to attend counselling sessions.  

Applicants who test positive are not eligible for employment. The hiring process would no longer continue.


Target’s drug testing policy is in line with federal regulations. The management requires a drug test when hiring for roles. 

The company handbook states that they operate in a drug-free environment to ensure safety for all. They also give conditions for random drug tests. 

As an applicant, Target might require samples from you as part of the hiring process, so you would want to stay clean from drugs. 

Drug use impairs your ability to perform tasks properly, don’t do drugs.