You noticed something called “sandboxd” while looking through Activity Monitor, and now you’re here. So what is this thing?

RELATED: What Is This Process and Why Is It Running on My Mac?

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, mdsworker, installd, WindowServer, blued, launchd, backup, opendirectoryd, powerd, coreauthd, configd, mdnsresponder, UserEventAgent, nsurlstoraged, commerce, parentalcontrold, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

Today’s process, sandboxd, is a daemon, which means it runs a system task in the background on macOS—daemons generally have a “d” at the end of their name. This particular daemon handles the macOS sandbox, as running man sandboxd in your Terminal will show you:

RELATED: Sandboxes Explained: How They’re Already Protecting You and How to Sandbox Any Program

So what’s a sandbox? You can check out our explainer on sandboxes for an overview, but for the most part a sandbox prevents applications from accessing parts of the system it doesn’t need. The macOS sandbox is outlined on Apple’s developer page:

Before sandboxing, every application had access to everything the user did. This was nice for simplicity’s sake, but it meant every single application was a potential path to all of your data and hardware. Applications running in the sandbox have to specifically request access to things like your files or your webcam, giving you an added level of security.

The macOS sandbox optionally can be implemented by applications you download online, but is mandatory for any application you download from the Mac App Store. This is just one reason why the Mac App Store doesn’t have all the applications you want.

The process sandboxd probably shouldn’t be taking up much of your system resources, but if it does try shutting down any recently installed applications. If that solves the problem, consider submitted a bug report to the developer, because something about that application is causing problems.