Paraventure your case may be different, you might want a case of beer or ingredients you need for a special meal that you’re preparing to be delivered. A platform that can achieve these tasks for you is Postmates.

What is Postmates? How does it work? These are the questions that’ll be answered in this article.

What Is Postmates?

Postmates is an American goods and food delivery service-providing company that allows customers to be able to order anything they want including restaurant meals, groceries, and other items ranging from clothes to alcohol and household equipment.

Founded in 2011 by Bastian Lehmann in San Francisco with over 600,000 partnering stores and restaurants, Postmates has become a remote service delivering food items and other products to the doorsteps of customers.

Although it can deliver ‘anything’ some items cannot be ordered, because of their prohibition, using Postmates and they include:

GunsExplosivesLive animalsGift cardsRestricted or unlawful items

Acquired by Uber in the year 2020, Postmates makes one ask how it is still popular when it’s in the same field as top players like GrubHub, DoorDash, and even its sister platform UberEats.

How Does Postmates Work?

With a working structure to that of Uber, Postmates links local restaurants and stores with customers with their mobile application or website.

Once you select the restaurant(meal) or store(item) in mind, you can send your order directly using Postmates in just a few taps. 

Postmates employ the use of couriers who use cars, scooters(depending on the region due to ban in some countries), or even bikes to pick up and drop off ordered items giving customers the opportunity to be able to track the location of their couriers in real-time and the delivery process, from start to finish, using their mobile devices.

Ordering From The Postmates Application

Ordering from Postmates, like any other delivery platform, is simple and can be done by following these steps:

For iOS and Android devices, respectively, go to the Apple and Google Play stores and download the app. Sign up on the Postmates app. Choose between the three order options which are:Delivery: This order option allows you to choose between your courier delivering the item directly to you, meeting you outside, or dropping it off at your door (no contact).

Here, you may set a time for your delivery as well.

Pickup: This is an option to consider if you’re trying to avoid the Postmates delivery fee and tip. In this order, you’ll pick up your order by yourself, the app only notifies you when your takeout is ready.

 Party: This order is an order made by a group of people from the same restaurant or store.

The order may take a while due to stops by the courier and it does not include delivery fees so it’s a good way to save while ordering.

Note that a party order must be equal to or greater than $15 and within a 5-minute time frame.

You can now go on to search for items you want and go through the various results provided or filter them to pinpoint your search.

You can put in the name of a particular store or restaurant to be specific in your search.

Once you see a store(item) or restaurant(meal) you want to order, you can click on it to customize your order before adding it to your cart. When you’re done, click on ‘View Order’ where your order and order total will be displayed on the screen including fees and any discounts. Before checking out, it is advised to go through the order again to ensure that everything–delivery time and address, payment method, is correct, if it isn’t, you can click on ‘Review Order ‘ to modify it. If you’re satisfied with what is placed on the screen click on ‘Order Delivery’. Your courier will confirm the order on the other end and you’ll be able to track their real-time location and the estimated time for the delivery.

In case of any issues, your courier will contact you and you’ll be notified when the delivery person arrives.

After a drop-off is completed, the customer has the option to rate the restaurant and tip the courier.


So whether you’re looking for a nice shirt for an interview or a new set of sunglasses for a summer vacation or even a meal, now you know how to get it from Postmates in not more than an hour.

Who is a Postmate?

The courier or Postmates delivery person assigned to a customer is called a Postmate.

Do Postmates run promos?

Yes, Postmates does run promos for free discounts and delivery and even trials for services.

What percentage of tips do Postmates delivery people get to keep?

Postmates couriers keep a hundred percent of the tips(100%).

What is the processing time for the tips?It takes 24 hours(1 day) for Postmates tips to be processed.

What is Postmates Unlimited?

Postmates Unlimited is an offer that costs a monthly fee of $9•99 for Postmates customers that gives them special offers, access to offers, and unlimited free delivery for partnering companies as long as the order is above $12