RAW format is not necessarily better. It depends on what you are looking for in a photo.

RAW format stores the digital data as it is captured by the camera’s sensor. This allows you to edit the image later on without having to go through the conversion process.

No, PSD and RAW are not the same. PSD is a file format used by Adobe Photoshop, while RAW is the native file format of many digital cameras.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question – it depends on what you are looking for in a photo. JPEGs can be smaller in size, but they can also have less detail and look more “flat” than RAW images. RAW images can be larger in size, but they can also contain more information and look more “realistic” than JPEGs. Ultimately, it comes down to what you are most interested in – the detail or the realism.

There are a few disadvantages to shooting in RAW. First, it can take longer to process a RAW file than a JPEG. Second, RAW files can be more difficult to share or print because they require more processing time and software to edit. Finally, RAW files can be more expensive to store and transfer.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best approach to shooting in RAW may vary depending on your specific needs and preferences. However, some general tips to keep in mind when shooting in RAW include:Shoot in RAW if you want to make adjustments to your photos later on.Shoot in RAW if you want more control over the photo’s colors and tones.

JPEGs are generally more compressed than RAW files, meaning that more information is lost in the process. This can lead to a loss of detail and sharpness. However, there are certain situations where a JPEG may be the better choice over a RAW file – for example, if you’re only planning on printing the image, or if you don’t have access to software that can handle RAW files.

There are a few ways to edit raw images in Photoshop. One way is to use the Raw Image Editing Tools located in the upper-left corner of the Photoshop window. This toolset includes tools for adjusting brightness, contrast, color, and exposure.Another way to edit raw images is to use the Adjustments panel. This panel includes tools for adjusting levels, highlights, shadows, white balance, and more.

PNG is not a RAW format. It is a compressed, lossy image format.

JPEG is a file format that is used for storing images. It is more compressed than PSD, which means that it takes up less space on your hard drive. JPEG also has a higher resolution than PSD, which means that the details in the image are more pronounced.