With the increase in ways to make money by sharing content, content producers have started to discover new ways to make money. One of them is the Patreon platform, which was founded by Sam Yam and his friend Jack Conte in 2013. It is set up for business and acts as an intermediary site. People who register with Patreon will be able to provide links using certain methods shortly. After that, these links are shared for followers to access in various media.

How Does Patreon Work? 

On Patreon, followers donate a sum to it to encourage and support the content producer. This donation can be in different amounts. The donating supporter determines this amount. Payments are made securely and easily by credit or debit card. Donations are made on a voluntary basis. But some content producers have turned this business into a trading tool.

For example, such situations are often encountered on various video content platforms, such as youtube or Dailymotion. There is always a content producer who produces exclusive videos for supporters who donate to Patreon. Patreon, on the other hand, receives a certain percentage of this support. In this way, the platform maintains its business continuously.

How To Use Patreon?

You can register on the official site of Patreon. There are options to register at the registration address, such as pro, premium, and lite. Special links are provided for each user who has registered. These links should not be shared because they are personal. Promoters who click on it will get to the content producers page when the page opens. From here, they send a note about how much they want to donate. Content producers, on the other hand, edit the page that is specific to them as they wish.

As we mentioned, Patreon allows people to support their favorite content producer by making donations. After YouTube significantly increased the company’s monetization requirements for video, many content producers turned to Patreon to get a more solid and sustainable source of income.

The platform also allows content producers to produce paid content that is exclusive to bosses only, and only bosses can see this content. In addition, content producers can sell their content individually, monthly, if they want. However, this choice can only be made once. That is, it must be either a monthly subscription or a pay-per-content form.

What Are The Advantages?

Patreon is a platform with a monthly subscription payment system that includes different commitments from content producers to pay for different levels of content or various benefits. For example, to support your favorite content producer, you can subscribe to it for a certain amount of money per month and get early access to its content.

The privileges that donors will receive in the Patreon system are entirely up to the content producer. If you are donating to a youtube content producer, you will have an advantage over the layers determined by the manufacturer.

Thanks to the paid layer, which is the lowest, the donor can have the advantage of early access to the contents. As the mentioned layers increase, the advantages that the manufacturer will have are also increasing. In this context, advantages such as live connection, gift accessories, name display on the site, or video can be obtained.

How Much Income Is Generated From Patreon On Average?

In general, the vast majority of content producers on Patreon earn between 1 and $100 in revenue. According to the data on the site, Patreon indicates that factors such as the size of your fan base, the part of your fan base that is interested in your membership offer, and the attractiveness of your membership offer are directly proportional to how much revenue a content producer can generate on the site. 

The spread of Patreon means that more content is produced on the internet. That’s why de Patreon is increasingly being clicked on by so many people regularly. According to the data, the average patron (the name is given to the fans who support) pays a fee of $ 12 per month on the site. This can vary depending on the content of the content producer, the frequency of content production, and the quality of the content.


Although the community funding platform Patreon has experienced minor disruptions such as the cancellation of payments on the way to success, it has managed to provide income to thousands of online content producers. While most of the content producers cannot earn even a thousand dollars a month in revenue, a significant number of them can earn enough income from here to live on.