Just Dance is a motion-based dancing game for the PlayStation 4. In order to play it, you need the game disc, a PlayStation 4 console, and a PlayStation 4 controller.

No, you don’t need anything else to play dance games on PS4. The PS4 controller has a built-in accelerometer and gyroscope that track your movement, so you can just use that to play the games.

No, you do not need the camera to play Just Dance on PS4.

To play Just Dance, you need a PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or Wii U console, and the Just Dance game.

Yes, you need wristbands for Just Dance. The game uses the motion sensors in the Wii Remote to track your movements, so you need to wear the wristband to ensure the accuracy of the tracking.

The PS4 has a motion sensor that is used to track the movement of the controllers.

You need one controller to play Just Dance PS4.

The PS4 does not come with a camera. However, you can purchase the PlayStation Camera separately.

To play Just Dance on PlayStation, you need to have a PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 3 console, and the Just Dance game. To start playing, insert the game disc into your console, and follow the on-screen instructions.

You need one motion controller per player.

You can’t play Just Dance without a controller.

No, you don’t need a Joy-Con strap for Just Dance. The game does not require any motion controls or use of the Joy-Con controllers in any way.

Just Dance Unlimited is a subscription-based service that allows players to access a library of songs, dance routines, and other content. The service launched in late 2016 and is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, and PC.

Most people use their dominant hand to play Just Dance. For example, if you are right-handed, you would use your right hand to play the game.

Yes, you can play Just Dance on ps4 with your phone by using the Just Dance Now app.

Just Dance is a motion-based game that uses your smartphone or tablet as a controller. The game tracks your movements and awards points based on how accurately you perform the dance moves.