Etsy’s return policy says that sellers do not have to refund the buyers unless they want to. In which case, they will have it in their shop policy. Each shop operates its shop policy, and they have the power to choose to accept refunds or not. If you’re not sure what the shop’s return policy is, you should contact the seller.

What Do I Do When I Need to Return an Item?

If you need to return an item, the best thing to do is call the shop from which you purchased it. They have the authority to decide to refund you, cancel your order, or allow you to exchange the item you bought for another

How Do I Go About the Return When the Seller Has Accepted? 

Cheers if the seller accepts your return request. Now you need to settle on the specifics of the return. Such decisions as:

What will the cost of shipping the item back to the seller be?What method will you use to ship the item back?Where are you to send the item?When should you return it?How do I receive my refund?When would I receive the refund?What should I do if the seller doesn’t want to refund me?

Is Etsy Powerless on Return and Refund Issues?

No. Etsy allows its shop the independence to run uninterrupted, but they still run the show. For example, there’s the option of opening a case. If the seller operates a no-refunds or returns policy in some cases where:

You did not get your order. Your order was different from what was on Etsy.

How Do I Prevent No-Return, No-Refund Problems?

Before deciding to buy from a seller, be sure to check out their return and refund policies to understand the terms of the transaction. Shops’ policies are usually on the Shipping and Returns tap. Alternatively, you can click on More Information under the Shop Policies tab on the seller’s home page.

The seller can Purchase Return Shipping Labels For Buyers

Purchasing return shipping labels are available to buyers in the U.S. A seller can purchase a USPS shipping label for buyers to return the item. Shipping labels are available on Etsy as well. Sellers can purchase shipping labels and send them to customers as a message to the customer on the Etsy platform.

What if the Buyer Doesn’t Have an Etsy account?

Getting a return shipping label on Etsy is tied to having an Etsy account to receive it in the DM. If you don’t have an account, look for an account to communicate with the seller from there. Else, you wouldn’t be able to get your shipping label.

How Can Sellers Create Shipping Labels For Items Return?

If you would like to create shipping for your buyers, do the following:

Go to www. etsy. com Click on Shop Manager. Select Orders & Shipping. Click on the Completed tab. Create a Return Label with the original shipping label number. Fill in the package details.  Select Create Return Label. Type in the message for the buyer and add the return label to it. Click on Send

How Much Will I Be Charged for the Label?

You will see the amount you were charged in your payment account days later, and it depends on the shipment package. The seller will not be charged until the buyer sees it and uses it and it is scanned by USPS.

How Do I Contact a Shop?

To get in touch with a buyer, you can do that by going to the purchases and reviews page if you have bought from them before.

But if you have not bought from the seller before, go to the listing page take the following steps:

Click Message Seller. You might be asked to sign in if you are not already signed in to your Etsy account. Enter your message in the space provided for it. Click Send

There is also the option to enquire about an item on the Etsy app: you can do that by:

Clicking the Contact on a shop homepage. You must sign in to your Etsy account to proceed. . Enter your text. Click Send.

If you have a challenge and you have contacted the seller, opened a case with Etsy, and still haven’t gotten a solution, it might be time to Contact Etsy support. Check them out at 


Etsy’s return policy supports the individual store owners to accept refuse return, refund, and exchange of items in their store policies. Before buying, read the shop’s policy on return, refund, and exchange of items to know what the transaction will mean for you going forward. If you are not sure whether the shop accepts the return, you can contact them to find out before buying.