CTRL + J is the “copy” command in most text editors and word processors. When you press CTRL + J, the computer copies the text you’ve selected (or currently highlighted) to the clipboard. You can then paste it anywhere in a document by pressing CTRL + V.
One keyboard shortcut for Photoshop is Ctrl J. This shortcut opens the Quick Selection tool which can be helpful for making quick, precise selections.
Alt J is an English indie rock band formed in London in 2007. The band consists of Joe Newman (guitar, vocals), Thom Green (keyboard, vocals), Gus Unger-Hamilton (bass guitar, backing vocals), and Sam Smith (drums). Alt J released its self-titled debut album in 2013. The album peaked at number two on the UK Albums Chart and received critical acclaim.
The Ctrl J key combination is used to insert a hyperlink in a text document. This key combination activates the “Justified” text alignment mode in most modern word processors. When the “Justified” text alignment mode is activated, the Ctrl J key combination inserts a complete hyperlink with the correct name and target address.
In the Illustrator user interface, Ctrl J is the command that opens the Quick Access Toolbar. The Quick Access Toolbar contains commands that are frequently used, such as Copy, Paste, and Select All.
On a Chromebook, Ctrl-Shift J will open a new window with the currently active document in it.
Ctrl N is the shortcut key for the “New” command in Photoshop. When you press Ctrl N, Photoshop displays a menu with options to create a new document, new layer, new fill or border color, or new shape.
When a user presses the Ctrl key while using the Photoshop application, this allows the user to cycle through the various tools on the screen more quickly. This is especially helpful for people who are often switching between tools to complete a task.
Command-click is a keyboard shortcut in Photoshop that lets you quickly open a dialog box by clicking on its icon.
When you hit Ctrl J on a web page in Chrome, it will open the URL in your default web browser.