Coinbase Vault is a security feature that allows you to store your crypto in an account that is protected by multiple safeguards. Coinbase Vault is one of the most basic and secure options available. It offers more protection than Cold Storage, which means that you can use it to store any amount of cryptocurrency (as long as it’s at least $10 worth). 

The vault protects your coins from unauthorized access by keeping them offline, meaning they’re not connected to the internet or any network equipment. They’re stored physically in an offsite location with high-security measures in place, including biometric authentication (like fingerprints), 24/7 surveillance cameras, and at least two layers of electronic locks for extra protection against intruders—all of which make Coinbase Vault one of the safest ways to store large amounts of coinage safely.

How you can secure your cryptocurrency holdings with Coinbase Vault.

Coinbase Vault is the latest security feature from Coinbase to allow its users to store their cryptocurrency holdings in an account that is protected by multiple safeguards.

The Coinbase Vault account has three different security types:

Standard: The first level of security offered by Coinbase Vault comes in the form of two-factor authentication (2FA), which requires you to enter a code received via SMS or Authy on your phone before logging into your account. This allows you to keep your funds secure while still being able to trade and spend cryptocurrency at any time. The only drawback with this type of 2FA is not being able to access your funds during times when there are network outages. Hardware: If you want even more control over access to your funds, then consider setting up hardware protection for them using something like Trezor or Ledger Nano S hardware wallets (these are popular options among crypto enthusiasts). This type of protection requires entering a passphrase every time you want to access it—making it very difficult for anyone else who doesn’t know how much money they have stored in their wallet because they can’t just look at it!

How to secure your Coinbase Vault

To make sure your vault is secure, you need to have at least two of the security options enabled on your account. A secure Coinbase vault requires you to enable the-factor authentication. To enable this feature, sign in and select “Settings” from Coinbase’s top navigation bar. Click on “Accounts & Identity” and then “Addresses” from the drop-down displayed. Then scroll down and select two-factor authentication. You’ll then be prompted with a pop-up box that lets you know what setting up two-factor authentication entails: entering an SMS number or phone number into which text messages will be sent containing verification codes; downloading Google Authenticator or Authy apps onto any device(s) where these apps are supported; using one of these methods depending on whether they’re available on their platform (for example iPhones can use Authy whereas Android phones would need to use Google Authenticator); etcetera.

Ways to withdraw from a vault.

There are two ways to withdraw from a vault. You can either withdraw directly to your Coinbase account, or you can send funds to an external address. When withdrawing directly to your Coinbase account, the withdrawal process is simple: choose the amount of bitcoin or ether you want to withdraw, generate a new address for it, and copy it into the “withdrawal address” field on the right-hand side of the screen (if you don’t have any other addresses in your account yet) or select one from those already created. Then simply click on “Submit Request” at the bottom of that window and wait for confirmation from the Coinbase team!

You can set a time delay on withdrawals from your vault.

You can set a time delay on withdrawals from your vault. You can set a time delay of up to 30 days so that you have time to cancel the withdrawal if necessary, such as if you find another job and don’t need the money or if you realize that you just want to hold onto it in case something goes wrong. Your withdrawals will be automatically cancelled after the specified amount of days pass without any action on your end.


We hope that this article has given you useful information about what Coinbase is and how to use the Coinbase Vault feature. If you have any questions about the process or would like to provide feedback, please reach out to their support team at

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