
The word audible simply means “can be heard.” It is the state of one speaking to the perfect hearing of another. That is why sometimes you hear people saying, “Please, can you be audible?” Or rather, they will say, “Please, can you be more audible?” So we can tell for certain what audible means or what it means for one to be audible. Audible is totally about sound, audio, or voice.

Narration is the act of telling stories. It is the act of telling someone about an event by giving them a full list of all that happened. The most common type of narration is the one done in schools, whereby one is asked to write a narrative essay about how one’sholiday went, about something that one loves, or even more. Narration is just basic storytelling. Though some people may say they do not know how to narrate a story or they do not like narrating, the truth is that one narrates in some aspect of one’s life, without one knowing it, or maybe one is so engrossed in the narration that we do not even realize it at the moment.

Now it is time for one to put both words together and get a definition out of them.

Audible Narration

You might be wondering why it’s called audible narration instead of audiobook because audiobooks sound simpler and easier to remember than audio narration. So to clarify, an audiobook and audible narration mean the same thing; they are different words with the same functional meaning and are used on different platforms. As the name implies, audible narration offers the same thing in the book as the audiobook does the same thing. The audible narration is preferred by many to the audiobook. They tend to say that the audible narration gives you exactly what is in the book, but you might want to argue with that. That should not border you because we can easily call it an individual difference.

The major difference for me between the audible narration and the audiobook is the cost. The audible narration usually costs twice the price of the audiobook.


You can add the audible narration of an ebook to your purchase on Kindle by clicking on “Add narration,” and thereafter, you have the luxury of switching back and forth between listening to the audio narration and reading the e-book. You can do both activities simultaneously, that is, listening and reading at the same time. Does it not sound great? Yes, it sure does.


What is really the difference between audible narration and audiobooks?

This question has been answered in this article already, but I might as well say again that the basic difference for me is the price. Audible narrations cost more than audiobooks.

How much does an audible narration cost?

The truth is that there are no specific prices for the audible narrations, but I can say that their prices range from as low as $0.99 to $12.99, and some can even cost more than this, depending on what you are going for.

Does the cost of the e-book cover the cost of the audible narration too?

The simple truth is no. There is a price for the book and a separate price for the audible narration. For example, you can purchase a book for $1.99 and add the audible narration, which will cost another $14.32.

This article may not answer all your questions on audible narration, but it does give you an insight into what it entails. You can do proper research on the topic to know more.