What is a Relational Database Management System (RDMS)?

The relational database management system (RDBMS) is a type of database management system. To understand RDMS in a better way let’s make a quick trip to a few terminologies,

Data is an entity or a raw fact that individually does not make sense but forms a group to be called information, and the collection or record of data is called a database. 

A database is like a container that contains all the information in an organized and easy-to-use manner so that we can fetch the needed data from the database. If you are facing difficulty to understand these terms then here is an example, imagine a library with organized sections of books, those sections are like data that are kept in an organized form in a library, which is like a database. The database keeps the data in the form of columns to make it easy to provide needed data.

A database management system (DBMS) is software that manages and controls all the database in a way that does not allow to make a duplicate database, make it easier to share a database, maintain the accuracy of data, provide security, make it easier to update the database, provide privacy and auto backup and recovery of the database. DBMS are mainly of four types

Relational database management system (RDBMS)Hierarchical database management systemObject-oriented database management systemNon-relational database management system

But here we will talk only about relational database management systems.

From the name of the Relational database management system, we can guess that it is somewhere connected to the relation of database or data. RDBMS is a software in which databases are related to each other by keys. In RDBMS database is kept in tabular format, which means in rows and columns. In this, a table is known as a relation, a column as an attribute, and a row as a tuple. An attribute or a tuple is known as a key if it identifies the database uniquely, but if you are wondering what is the need of key/keys in the database then let us take an example of an attendance register of an office, there are hundreds of employees working in the same office any of them could share same name and age, so their phone numbers and serial number or a unique id number helps staff to distinguish between them. The unique id number, phone number, and serial number are the keys which make identified the data uniquely. There are four types of keys candidate key, primary key, composite key, and foreign key.

As Aurora is MySQL and SQL compatible, other than mentioned above features are similar to them.