Please follow these steps to remove Grindr from your phone. Your chats and saved photos/phrases will be lost, but your profile information (such as a photo, about, favorites, and blocks) will not be altered.

It appears as if the other person has gone off Grindr, and any linked profile has been deleted (but it hasn’t). In this scenario, find a buddy who also has a Grindr account and have them check for your partner on there. Maybe utilize any old links you’ve saved to assist the other person in their search.

Instead of deleting your Grindr account, you may temporarily disconnect using the logout option. You can use the logout option on an iOS device with version 4.3 or later and an Android device (version 4.0) to log off the Grindr platform quickly.

Reinstall the most recent version of the app from the Google Play ID where you saved your backup. Log in to Grindr. You should be asked to restore your conversations, after which you’ll be given the option to restore them to a Google Drive Account that you backed up. Your communications should return, and you will receive a verification message.

During delivery, messages are kept on servers for approximately 48 hours before being deleted. Delivery is attempted for a total of 30 days.