If you report someone on Snapchat, the person will be notified and they will have the opportunity to respond. If the situation is something that can be resolved in a private conversation, then Snapchat will try to resolve it privately. If the situation is something that needs to be addressed in a more formal way, like if there is a safety issue, then Snapchat may contact local authorities.

Snapchat doesn’t have a reporting feature.

Snapchat reports take up to 24 hours.

Snapchat has a team of reviewers who are working 24/7 to review reports. They have a goal of reviewing all reports within 24 hours.

It is illegal content on Snapchat if you post anything that is offensive, harmful, or deceptive.

When you report a post, it is reviewed by the community team and then removed if it violates our policies. If you see something that doesn’t follow the Quora rules, please report it to us.

Snapchat does not report to police.

If you get a 1000 day streak on Snapchat, you will be rewarded with a special Snapchat icon next to your name. You will also get a notification that states “1000 DAYS!” when you open the app.

Yes, but it depends on the circumstances. If the user has deleted their account and phone, then it’s possible that police could track the account. If the user has simply deactivated their account or changed their phone number, then it is more difficult for police to track them.

If you want someone to be kicked off Snapchat, you should report their account. The only other way to get someone kicked off Snapchat is if they are doing something illegal or harmful on the app.

No. Your Snapchat will not get banned.

You can go to jail for Snapchat if you send a sexually explicit image of yourself to someone under the age of 18. If you’re over the age of 18 and send a sexually explicit image to an individual who is not, then it would be considered child pornography.