There is a leave community option, but it only removes your profile.

If you cancel your account deletion, you have 30 days to reclaim it. After this time passes, you will no longer be able to access your account or retrieve any of your information. Your profile, photographs, films, and all other content you’ve added will be erased for good.

You might be able to restore your Google Account if you deleted it. If you’ve had your account for a long time, you might not be able to recover your data. You’ll be able to sign in as usual to Gmail, Google Play, and other Google services if you regain access to your account.

We are unable to delete accounts unless we receive an email from the email address linked to the account for security and authentication reasons. Please contact us through this form and we will be able to assist you if that is not feasible.

There’s no need to worry if you make a mistake. We all make errors, and it’s vital to remember that you always have the option to restore them! You can view a comprehensive list of banned members in ACM under the Members tab for your Amino group. From here, you’ll be able to unban individuals. You may also.