When you delete your WhatsApp account, it isn’t sent to anybody in the group. However, if you’re a member of any WhatsApp group, people will see the message “ABC left.” It’s not as direct as “ABC deleted his or her account,” and again there is no actual phrase that says this.
Users will stop receiving and sending messages, but unlike when someone deletes the WhatsApp account, usage data and chat history are still kept in the messenger and can be retrieved if you re-download the software.
When the recipient of your message sees the two checkmarks, instead of one, it’s usually because he or she has blocked you. Until the individual is online to receive your message, the second checkmark will not appear.
There are a few actions that must be completed on an Android device in order to unblock yourself on WhatsApp. It entails removing your WhatsApp account and deleting the program. Then, using the Play Store, reinstall the app and create a new account. This will unblock you from all of your contacts eventually.
Go to WhatsApp and open the chat containing the message you wish to erase. Select more messages to delete several messages at once if desired. Delete for everyone by tapping Delete > Delete.