If your account is closed due to restricted activities violations and you still have funds in it at the time of closure, PayPal may keep the money for 180 days. If there are any fines or liabilities linked with your closing account, PayPal will deduct them from any existing balance first.
Step 1: Use a laptop or computer to log into your PayPal account. … Step 2: Tap the gear symbol in the upper-right corner of the screen. … Step 3: Click on the “Close Your Account” choice under the “Account Options” tab in the Account section.
Make sure you communicate what the client is receiving. The fewer detailed product information you provide clients, the less likely they are to file a complaint or seek a refund. … respond to activities items promptly.
There is no need to wait since you can contact the correct team by phone at any time. They’ll assist you in regaining access to your account after you confirm your information.
If you’ve closed an account with PayPal and want to open a new one, you can use the same email address that was used on the old one.