If you don’t pay your eBay fees, you will be unable to sell on eBay and your account will be suspended.

You can go without paying eBay fees for a few years, but after that you’ll have to pay up.

eBay fees are not required when you sell products. eBay charges fees when you buy products.

If you’re a seller, you can avoid eBay invoice fees by turning off the “Invoice me” option for your listing. If you’re a buyer, you can avoid eBay invoice fees by choosing to pay with PayPal or a credit card instead of an echeck.

eBay can sue you if you do not pay for the item that you bought. If the seller has any proof of your purchase, they can take legal action against you.

eBay does not punish non-paying bidders. eBay is not aware of any policy to remove listings or suspend accounts if the bidder doesn’t pay.

Yes, eBay can affect your credit rating. If you have a high balance on a credit card and you make a purchase on eBay, the bank may review your account and see that you have a high balance on the card. This could lead them to increase your APR or lower your credit limit.

eBay is a middleman that facilitates the buying and selling of goods between buyers and sellers. It charges a fee for this service because it costs money to operate, and the company needs to generate revenue from somewhere.

eBay is a legally binding website that allows people to buy and sell items online. Sellers are required to specify their location, provide a list of the item’s features, and include detailed photos of the item. Buyers are required to pay for the item in advance and should not send payment until they have received the product.

Police do check eBay for stolen items, and they have been known to search the homes of people who sell them.