The first thing to notice is that your Bitmoji should be linked with your Gmail account. If you want to use the same avatar on multiple platforms, remember to unlink and re-create it before transferring. Once that’s complete, here’s what you need to know:

You may still use Bitmoji on a variety of platforms even if Snapchat owns the company. Despite the fact that Snapchat may own the firm, you can use Bitmoji on a variety of platforms. It’s worth noting that you don’t need Snapchat to use Bitmoji; it’s a separate program for iOS and Android.

How do I remove the Bitmoji software? Keep holding down on the app until an “X” appears in the upper left corner. To delete the app, press the X.

Open the Bitmoji app and go to the Settings icon (shaped like a gear) in the upper right corner of your screen. Select “My Data” from the drop-down menu. Tap “Reset Avatar” and then “OK” to confirm you want to do this.

There are a plethora of social media apps to select from, so one mistake may result in users leaving your firm over time. But don’t get too worked up if your Bitmoji has vanished! Simply log out and back in again, or uninstall the app and reinstall it, and you should be fine.