A pop-up window will appear after you type your email address and password. Click REACTIVATE ACCOUNT to cancel your account deletion request.
If you’re not sure how to uninstall Epic Games Launcher, don’t worry. It’s perfectly normal to get confused by all the features and settings associated with the program. The most effective way to use your PC is through the help of this software program.
If you decide to delete your Fortnite account, you’ll need to erase your Epic Games account as well. Because Fortnite makes use of Epic’s platform to save games, move data, and backup any player progress, deleting your account will also eliminate everything from your game data all the way down to any purchases you’ve made.
To delete your Epic Games account, go to the DELETE ACCOUNT page and select the REQUEST ACCOUNT DELETE option. Enter the verification code that was sent to your email address linked with your Epic Games account. nClick CONFIRM DENY RECEIVE.
Yes, you will lose all of your local saved data after uninstalling Fortnite, but your profile data is saved in the cloud. Here’s how to restore your Fortnite characters and statistics if you reinstall the game.
If you are having trouble unblocking Fortnite, the best thing to do is contact your internet service provider.
If you unlink your epic account from Xbox, your progress on Xbox will be deleted. Your account on Xbox will be linked to a new epic account.
First, make sure you’re logged in to the account you want to merge with. Then, go to your profile and select “Epic Accounts.” Next, select the account you want to merge with and follow the instructions.
If you want to change your Epic account on Fortnite, you need to go to the Epic Games website and log in. Once you are logged in, click on the “Settings” tab and then select “Profile.” From there, you can change your name and email address.
To delete an epic account on Xbox, you have to go to the Xbox website and sign in. Once you’re signed in, click on “Manage Profile” and then “Delete Profile.