No, you can’t delete Facebook. You can deactivate it, but all of your data still remains on the site.
Facebook will permanently delete your account after you’ve been inactive for a year.
No, Facebook does not delete your information when you delete it. In order to delete your account, you need to contact Facebook directly and request that they close the account. Once the account is closed, any data on the account will be deleted.
When you delete Facebook, your account is permanently deleted and all of the data associated with it will be removed. This includes Messenger.
The friends of the person who deleted their Facebook account will not see any posts from that person on their timeline. They may, however, notice a change in activity levels if they regularly interact with the person on Facebook.
To delete your Facebook account, you need to first log into your Facebook account and then click on the “Settings” button on the top right of the screen. Click on “General” and then scroll down to “Manage Account.” Click on the “Delete My Account” option. You will be prompted to enter your password and email address so that you can confirm this action. After clicking continue, you will be prompted with a warning about what deleting your account means.
Facebook’s business model is to collect as much data about you as possible and sell it to advertisers. Deleting Facebook will not affect this in any way.
Unfortunately, there is no way to reactivate a deleted Facebook account. If you think you might want to use your account again in the future, it’s best to keep it open.
Yes, you can reactivate your Facebook account after 2 years. However, in order to do this you will need to log in using your email and password.
No, deactivating Facebook is not the same as deleting it. When you deactivate your account, all your information and data remains on Facebook. You can reactivate your account at any time if you change your mind.
Facebook has a 14-day deactivation policy. You can deactivate your account for up to 14 days by following these steps:Go to the Facebook Help Center and select “How do I deactivate or delete my account?”Select “Deactivate my account”Enter your password and date of birth to verify that you are the owner of the account