Etsy is a marketplace for handmade and vintage items. They often shut down shops when the seller has violated their terms of service.

Etsy is not the only place to sell handmade goods. There are plenty of other sites that offer sellers the same or more features than Etsy does, and some of them may be better suited for your needs.Etsy is an online marketplace where people can buy and sell handmade items. It’s not the only site for this purpose, so if you’re looking to sell handmade goods it’s worth considering whether you want to continue using Etsy or find another site that better suits your needs.

If your shop is removed from Etsy search, it will not be able to be found on the site. You can also make your shop more visible by increasing the number of listings you have, including high-quality photos and descriptions for each listing, and following the rules of conduct.

Etsy has a three strikes policy. If you have more than three cases of copyright infringement, Etsy will shut down your shop.

If you were suspended for a Terms of Service violation, then you may need to contact Etsy’s Trust and Safety team to find out what was violated. If it was for a policy violation, you will need to wait the appropriate amount of time before your account is reinstated.

If you have been suspended from Etsy, you have to wait a minimum of 30 days before contacting them. You can also contact the seller support team if your shop was terminated by Etsy for violating their policies.

The Etsy shop is closed when it is no longer active.

You can find contact information for Etsy here.

Yes, you can get scammed on Etsy. There are many ways that a scammer could take your money and run. One way is if they request payment in a different currency than what their account is set to.Another way is if the seller asks you to send them money outside of Etsy for any reason. For example, they may say that they need to make an international purchase for you but want you to pay the shipping and handling fees.

Yes, Etsy is hiding your listings. This may be because you are not fulfilling the requirements of their terms of service.

Etsy has a 14-day return window for buyers and sellers. If the buyer or seller is not satisfied with their purchase, they can contact Etsy to request a return. If the buyer requests a return, the seller has three days to respond and issue a refund. If the seller requests a return, the buyer has two days to ship back the item.