The story among Naya and Teo will be depicted in the forthcoming Netflix narrative, Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist. Fans are anxious to find subtleties of what occurred in those days and how the two sides feel about their singular experience.

What Befell Naya Tuiasosopo otherwise known as Ronaiah Tuiasosopo Now? On September 11, 2012, Manti Teo told numerous media sources that his sweetheart and grandmother both died. Likewise, he uncovered that Lennay Kekua, an understudy at Stanford University, had been harmed in a vehicle mishap and was subsequently determined to have leukemia while getting treatment.

He asserted he had told Kekua he would play regardless of whether something happened to her. Subsequently, he didn’t miss any of Notre Dame’s football match-ups. He got compassion and backing from football fans.

A few games media destinations covered these tragedies during his solid 2012 season and development as a Heisman Trophy competitor. At last, in any case, everything descended on January 16, 2013, when it was uncovered that Lennay didn’t exist.

Deadspin distributed an article uncovering that Lennay Kekua was not a genuine individual, and it was a phony profile made by Naya Tuiasosopo (then called Ronaiah Tuiasosopo). She changed her name from Ronaiah to Naya after progressing into a lady.

At the hour of the trick, she was at this point to go through orientation progress. By and by, she purportedly made a Facebook profile under Lennay and began talking on the web with the football star, beginning a relationship with him.

She caused him to accept she was dead and finished her trick with her downfall. However, her falsehoods were uncovered in the media, which even acquired inconveniences her life. She reviewed how she experienced issues securing positions.

She owned up to her slip-ups and said she didn’t do it for monetary benefit. She added that she felt like Kekua had turned into a piece of her and truly focused on the competitor.

Right now, Naya recognizes as a transsexual lady living in Seattle, Washington.

Where Could Manti Teo Catfish Girlfriend Naya Tuiasosopo Today be? Manti Teo’s catfish sweetheart, Naya Tuiasosopo, went through orientation change and began living as a lady. The chief makers of Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist, Chapman Way and Maclain Way, said they found Tuiasosopo on Instagram.

— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) November 28, 2018

They called her subsequent to tracking down her on Instagram. She was genuine, helpless, and forthright about the whole experience. They figured the story would go past news titles when they heard her.

There is no ill will among them, and they perceive the experience as something that fundamentally affected both of their lives. They have acknowledged that it was something that worked out and are prepared to discuss it.

In like manner, Teo, then again, presently has a delightful spouse at home. He married Instagram wellness character Jovi Nicole with whom he has been connected starting around 2016.